Kristina BorgGuided by waterKristina Borg asks how we can create a better exchange between Nelson’s green and blue spaces and the town centre?
Michael Powell Mapping NelsonMichael Powell shares a collaboratively produced illustrated map of Nelson, as a way of engaging people with its underused features.
Dana OlărescuPalette Cleansing Thinking What would Nelson’s food system look like if it was governed by locals? Dana Olărescu
Andy AbbottNelson Reimagined Andy Abbott introduces Nelson Reimagined - what sustainable futures might emerge from our postindustrial towns?
Anna TaylorCreate a Space I was learning about ‘embedded practice’ and sensing it as a reciprocal hospitality - a thing that goes two ways - a mirroring of generosity
Thinking Out LoudCelebrating Landscape and PlaceA changing view of how art and artists can integrate in understated ways with landscape projects, leading to surprising revelations.