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Lone(ly) Arts Club was a monthly online meet up for artists and practitioners looking to connect during lockdown. We brought in artists, producers and funders to enable access to new networks, creative opportunities and peer support. 



Meeting online on the first Friday of every month, we responded to current issues for artists and practitioners and link into In-Situ’s ways of working between artists and communities. It was a social space for artists and practitioners living, working or have roots in East Lancashire, and also welcoming those from further afield. 


The sessions ran with a combination of In-Situ, guest and peer-led conversations that develop a sense of community and an opening up of possible pathways. We hoped to break down barriers to involvement in our programmes, commissions and being an artist, encourage confidence and create access points for people to work with us. We’ll be looking out to connect artists with similar practices, and to encourage sharing skills and learning within the group.

“I really enjoyed the meeting on Friday, it was nice to hear about some different things and see some familiar and unfamiliar faces! I have been avoiding these kinds of meetings during Lockdown, (I'm much more comfortable listening than I am speaking and these situations force you to get involved) but this was really great and has actually encouraged me to seek out some similar things.” - Participant
“There's not a lot of artists I know in this area so this is a good way of meeting people and finding out what’s going on. I don’t feel as isolated”
- Participant
“Listening to other people has helped me work out what I want to do. I struggled with this for a while at the start (of lockdown) but this helped me to unpick things and ask questions and I feel like I know more about where I want to go with things now”
- Participant
“The internet has been a lifeline in this period, connecting with other artists in groups like this has been really important to keep me going”
- Participant
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